Thursday, January 20, 2011


December started with us all bundling up and going to downtown...where Elizabeth was surprised with a marriage proposal!
That started the ball rolling for wedding planning, something I know very little about, so I am so thankful for my friends helping me!  Trips to the bridal store, trying on dresses, finding bridesmaids dresses- not too difficult.  But SHOES!  Oh my!  My little girl has little feet!  She has been a Cinderella, trying on shoes every where. I think we finally found them. :)
I wonder why people spend so much money on all the unnecessary is really more about the relationship the couple has with Christ and each other.  I am excited to be able to spend time with Elizabeth as she starts her new season...I am so pleased with the woman she is becoming  ,it truly has been a blessing to watch her grow and bloom!  I am not sure what Vince thinks of all this, it is a process for him.  I think when it comes time for him to walk his little girl down the aisle and into Lukas' will hit pretty hard.

Christmas was fun, lots of family. Lukas got to meet them and they got to meet it was all good.My niece's husband, Joe, had a good first deployment and is on his second, and grand niece #2 was present (born 12/23).  We have been blessed mightily.

We had three snows in December, which is always exciting!

January brought an ice storm, and the flu to our house.  We are all doing well and that seems to have passed.

 Baby Emma
 all the "kids" minus 2
 Snow fun
 so many to choose from
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; 
praise him, all creatures here below; 
praise him above, ye heavenly host; 
praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

1 comment:

babyarnie said...

Congrats Elizabeth. Treasure this time. It's alot of fun!