Saturday, June 16, 2012


April was a big month for me.  I turned the Big Five  Oh  (50!!)  I can't believe I am so old.  It all passes by so quickly!  Of course with a new decade there are always new challenges.  I suddenly became aware at how fragile the body systems are and how they can go out of wack.  Where in my 30's, I was too busy to care too much, and my 40's found it hard to keep up but tried to, my 50's will be spent on fixing past mistakes and trying to keep everything at status quo.
I can appreciate friendships and remember to be thankful for each of my dear friends!

Easter was lovely.  We enjoyed having our first grandchild here and start sharing our traditions with her.

Vince and I celebrated 27 years of wedded bliss, and I am truly blessed to have him in my life.

May was the Ladies Retreat at N. Topsail, once again. The weather was perfect and the fellowship sweet.  We were joined by 3 mamas and their babies and it was so much fun to see the cycles of life.  I was especially aware of the fact that all three of my daughters were there.  What an answer to our prayers as they  were babies in our arms and we asked for God to draw them near to Him and they have heard Him!

God has been good and I see Him working in our family's lives.  He has protected Luke, Elizabeth and Scarlett, provided for us in some bumps, and shows us His creation in ways that are breath taking!

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