Friday, December 30, 2011

I wonder if you can ever be prepared for the things that come at you in life?  I am sure you can feel like you have prepared or studied for whatever is expected to happen.School, Career, Love, Marriage, Parenthood, Grandparenthood. Living life the way you wanted....that may not happen unless what you want is to please God and do His Will (which is a hard thing, but the most important)

Here I type and ponder on the fact that I didn't know how things would play out in my life.  I prepared as best as I could-but it always has a slight spin on my expectations. I am glad.  We face a lot in our walk.  I am thankful for all the things that have happened that weren't according to plan.

I pray that Vince is able to get a job that is stable...but when we are a little on the uncertain side-it brings us closer to God.  We lean on Him and depend on Him-for He is our Provider..  .

My friends' daughter, a young mother, needs healing.  He is our Healer.

My daughter, a new mother,and her husband are separated by miles and months.  She is going to be mothering on her own.  She will find a powerful strength that she never knew she had.  Because  He is Mighty and He never leaves us or forsakes us.

My other children, each going through their own journeys realize that He is our Guide.

Praise Him! He is the God of Peace-Shalom!

Happy New Year to you and yours.  Our expectations should only be for Christ and his coming again.  Last year in church our theme was to Get Ready for Heaven in 2011- This year: Dig and Delve in 2012. I pray you join me!

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